Bouquet Dill


Slightly smaller than Mammoth Dill, this dill variety is perfect for arrangements and cooking and can be used fresh, dried, or for pickling! About 250 - 300 seeds

When: Start outside 1 - 2 weeks before your last average frost. Successive sow every 2 - 3 weeks until about 4 weeks before your first frost.

Sun: Full Sun

Depth: Surface sow, press into soil

Spacing: 3 seeds every 4 inches

Germination: 20 - 25 days

Size: 30 - 36 inches tall

Maturity: 45 - 55 days

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Slightly smaller than Mammoth Dill, this dill variety is perfect for arrangements and cooking and can be used fresh, dried, or for pickling! About 250 - 300 seeds

When: Start outside 1 - 2 weeks before your last average frost. Successive sow every 2 - 3 weeks until about 4 weeks before your first frost.

Sun: Full Sun

Depth: Surface sow, press into soil

Spacing: 3 seeds every 4 inches

Germination: 20 - 25 days

Size: 30 - 36 inches tall

Maturity: 45 - 55 days

Slightly smaller than Mammoth Dill, this dill variety is perfect for arrangements and cooking and can be used fresh, dried, or for pickling! About 250 - 300 seeds

When: Start outside 1 - 2 weeks before your last average frost. Successive sow every 2 - 3 weeks until about 4 weeks before your first frost.

Sun: Full Sun

Depth: Surface sow, press into soil

Spacing: 3 seeds every 4 inches

Germination: 20 - 25 days

Size: 30 - 36 inches tall

Maturity: 45 - 55 days