Black-Eyed Susan Rudbeckia
Versatile and resilient, the Black-Eyed Susan a symbolic native flower to eastern North America. They are deer and rabbit resistant and will bloom throughout the season displaying their classic yellow petals and dark centers. Black-Eyed Susans require stratification to break dormancy. About 275 - 300 seeds
Life Cycle: Perennial (often grown as an annual)
When: Direct sow 2 - 4 weeks before last average frost date (will bloom second year) / Start inside 8 - 10 weeks before last average frost date (could bloom first year)
Sun: Full Sun
Depth: Press into surface
Spacing: 6 - 8 inches
Germination: 10 - 15 days
Size: 24 - 36 inches tall, 12 - 24 inches wide
Maturity: 60+ days
Versatile and resilient, the Black-Eyed Susan a symbolic native flower to eastern North America. They are deer and rabbit resistant and will bloom throughout the season displaying their classic yellow petals and dark centers. Black-Eyed Susans require stratification to break dormancy. About 275 - 300 seeds
Life Cycle: Perennial (often grown as an annual)
When: Direct sow 2 - 4 weeks before last average frost date (will bloom second year) / Start inside 8 - 10 weeks before last average frost date (could bloom first year)
Sun: Full Sun
Depth: Press into surface
Spacing: 6 - 8 inches
Germination: 10 - 15 days
Size: 24 - 36 inches tall, 12 - 24 inches wide
Maturity: 60+ days
Versatile and resilient, the Black-Eyed Susan a symbolic native flower to eastern North America. They are deer and rabbit resistant and will bloom throughout the season displaying their classic yellow petals and dark centers. Black-Eyed Susans require stratification to break dormancy. About 275 - 300 seeds
Life Cycle: Perennial (often grown as an annual)
When: Direct sow 2 - 4 weeks before last average frost date (will bloom second year) / Start inside 8 - 10 weeks before last average frost date (could bloom first year)
Sun: Full Sun
Depth: Press into surface
Spacing: 6 - 8 inches
Germination: 10 - 15 days
Size: 24 - 36 inches tall, 12 - 24 inches wide
Maturity: 60+ days